Montag, 21. September 2015

Revisiting Nova Scotia

Hello everyone!

This is me with a few photos from my visit in Nova Scotia.

Three weeks over there made me realize how greatful I can be to have had the opportunity to travel abroud to meet amazing people.

It was an unforgettable summer!

Arrival at Halifax Airport
Can there be anything more beautiful than this?

Beach love

Liiiiighthouse :)

Nova Scotia pride

Whale watching

My "little" puppy Meadow. Check out how she looked 2 years ago!
And newbie in the family: Oakley

Famous Peggy's cove
Beautiful Carters Beach

I hope you got a little impression. And I also hope that Nova Scotia is on your bucket list! It is definitly worth a visit! I mean look at those beaches...

Happy greetings,


Freitag, 29. Mai 2015

Something only exchange students will understand

Hello my dear readers!

It's weird how much you can miss a life and people that you've only known for a few months. Crazy, that they become so important to you in such a short time.

I know I'm not the only one because I always see all the posts on Facebook in those groups with exchange students from all over the world. We feel all similar.

But isn't that silly? All those exchange students who claim to have had the time of their life? Doesn't this sound like a fairy tale?

Hahah yeah maybe. It is our own little fairy tale that we try to keep in our hearts. But we do not lock it away. No, we always open up our stories and keep telling about the amazing experiences we made.
Don't blame us for talking to much about it tho! :D Because in fact, we live in our own little bubble when it comes to telling or thinking about our time abroud.

This is probably only understandable for those who did this crazy thing called exchange year. ;)

I wish all students near and far good luck for their final exams. Almost done! And then we can all start to visit our beloved friends and family who we miss each and every day!

But you know what? Why don't we start know?

Hello Belgium, here I come...

Xoxo Mia


Freitag, 3. April 2015

Next destination: Nova Scotia

Hallo ihr Lieben,

nach so vielen Monaten mal wieder ein Lebenszeichen von mir. :)

Ich wollte euch nur ein kurzes Update geben, denn ich fliege diesen Sommer wieder nach Nova Scotia!!!

Manche werden denken: "Sie war ja erst dort!"
Stimmt, stimmt aber noch nie im Hochsommer,weshalb ich mich mega doll auf die Zeit freue!

Zuerst war es etwas schwierig meine Eltern zu überreden, aber ich habe es letztendlich erfolgreich geschafft. Außerdem fliege ich nicht alleine sondern mit meiner besten Freundin Celine, die ich in Kanada kennen gelernt habe und die nur 1 Stunde entfernt von mir wohnt.
Wir beide sehen uns immernoch sehr oft und sind schon dabei uns alles zu überlegen, was wir in den drei Wochen NS alles machen wollen.

Wohnen werden wir bei meiner besten Freundin Cat, von der ich ja schon einiges erzählt habe. Natürlich werden wir auch unsere Gastfamilien genauso wie all unsere anderen kanadischen Buddies wieder sehen.

Ein paar Erinnerungen an eine wundervolle Zeit:

Frohe Ostern und viel Glück an alle, die dieses Jahr ihr eigenes persönliches Abenteuer starten!
