Mittwoch, 2. Oktober 2013

Photos of the weekend - Mia

Here are just some pictures of my weekend. Hope you like it. For more check out my facebook!

That's Cooper. Isn't he cute?

That was all on Sunday. The two girls in the first picture are Kira and Natalia. I told you about them in my last post, I guess.
We were together at the lighthouse and made a boat trip.

On Friday, we won't have school because we have ervery month a day off in our school without a reason. 

Today, there is no german version because I had a comment on my last post that somebody read the englisch version first and than realized that there's a german version too.
English is pretty easy and I don't write in a difficult way. I know that you are all able to read it. :)

See ya ♥

1 Kommentar:

  1. Mein Kommentar war eigentlich so gedacht, dass du die deutsche Version als erstes schreibst und nicht, dass du sie ganz weglässt :D
